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Apply for Admission Online


1. Apply here with your name, email address, church affiliation, phone number, address and country.

2. Submit your nonrefundable $50 USD Technology Support Fee (TSF)


3. Apply for your Student Membership and choose your log on ID password which, once approved, will provide you with access to your online courses.

4. Then, you will receive an email from the LEMA Institute approving your requests for application and log on ID access. If you did not get an email following your application, check your junk mail.

5. Log in using your email and student password and begin the three required Foundation Courses.  Once you have completed these courses you will receive the Basic Certificate in Counseling and Leadership.

After you receive your Basic Certificate, you can proceed to take all the classes for the rest of your program. All Students at LEMA are required to complete the Foundation Courses before proceeding

to the main programs.


Please Note:   1.  Street Address = Village
                           2. If Zip Code does not apply please enter 77777



click Login/Sign up


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