Membership Services
Every year, we organize Leadership Development Conferences in Africa. These LDCs provide training in a broad range of topics and it is designed for leaders from all walks of life.
Conferences are organized around themes that address practical leadership needs for Africa. If you are an expert in any field and willing to go to Africa to train others in your area of expertise, LEMA would like to send you.
Our Students who participate in these conferences receive academic credits towards their Certificate or Diploma certificate trainings.
Please contact us to begin this journey with God. Contact us if you are interested in sponsoring a pastor, student or community leader to any of our conferences. Also, contact us if your organization would like to partner with us in hosting one of these conferences.
Every Quarter of the year, LEMA organizes seminars for students in Africa. These Seminars provide practical face to face training for our students in critical subjects of ministry.
It provides the students with opportunities to meet their instructors and share personal experiences with fellow students. It also provides opportunites to ask questions and to do the practicals of the courses.
These Seminars are provided free to our students through the generous support of God's people. Would you please consider supporting LEMA today so that we can continue to provide training opportunities to pastors in Africa?
Poverty poses a great challenge to the African church. It is even more challenging when pastors have to depend on their members, many of whom are very poor for their daily needs.
The Tent Makers Fund provides resources for training these Students in business skills, trades and crafts as one of the requirements for their graduation at LEMA. On graduation, the Fund provides the pastor with a small business loan to start his or her own small scale business...