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Thank You!

Dear LEMA Supporters,

Thank you so much for partnering with us in providing training for pastors and ministry leaders in Africa. Through your prayers and financial support, the LORD has continued to advance the mission of LEMA.

We have begun renovation at the building in Nigeria, with plans to establishing a pilot center in one section of the building while seeking funds for completing the rest. In addition check out our new Photo Gallery and our growing Course Catalog to see what we have been up to.

The LORD continues to provide for our staff needs by raising up committed volunteers. We are thankful for Debbie Root, and the great job she is doing getting our website ready as a school and for Renee Langford who is serving as our Administrative Assistant, who is keeping our books. This month, our first paid staff at the Study Center in Nigeria is Ndubusi Peter who began his service as the Media and Enrollment Assistant, focusing on installing and maintaining our computer infrastructure and assisting the Nigerian Director Reverend Christian Ezurike in providing information for enrollees.

We are also thankful for our E-Professors who are working hard at developing course curriculum and our Board Members who are actively engaged in providing God honoring leadership for LEMA. All these these things are being made possible because of God’s grace, your prayers, support and the generosity of God’s people. As we continue to respond to God’s call to train and equip pastors in Africa, we would sincerely appreciate your continued prayer and financial support. Please consider making a donation today towards our Study Center building renovation project or towards providing clean water at the Study Center so that the pastors, students and neighboring villages will have access to clean water?

Thank you again, for your continued prayers and financial support.

May the LORD richly bless you! In Him,

Reverend Joshua Amaezechi, President

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