"Hearing God"-Daily Devotional
"Hearing God"-Daily Devotional
August 30, 2021
"While we were yet sinners Christ died for us, if He can love us while we are yet rebels, how much more now we have his light." Romans 5:8
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who has promised us is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Christ died for our sins and wrongfulness, we continue to break His laws and continue to ask Him for forgiveness. He continues to show His grace and love. We fall short but we always trust in his love, grace, and faithfulness. He's a good father. That's who He is.
Digging Deeper:
1. Does your heart sometimes feel as if you don't heed to God's word?
2. Does your faith in God lead to a strong hope?
3 Do you try to love on others as deep as Jesus loves us.
Dear Father God, please forgive our sins and know we believe You are faithful. Let us love others as You do and let us stay in Your word to grow our faith. Bless our LEMA Team and Your mission that we will be righteous hands and feet for the kingdom
In Jesus Beautiful name. Amen.
Written by Tony Gillies-Mission Team Member