LEMA's Volunteers at Work!
The individuals that you see to the right are what we like to call, "The Sold Out's". Those that at one point said, "Whatever it is you need Lord, lead me, place me, I am yours."
Here at LEMA, we are blessed to have volunteers that live into the calling that the Lord has placed on their lives.
Many of these volunteers came to us through a series of events that only the Lord could orchestrate. From managing LEMA's finances, praying over the ministry, working hard to fundraise, organizing a budget, printing, and filing, planning events and so much more, these are the people that keep LEMA afloat.
If you have had an itch to ditch your original way of living and serve God's children on a more frequent basis, LEMA has a place for you.
This year brought us many new faces and we want to take this moment to publically say, "THANK YOU". If you see any of these people this week please help us out by shaking their hands, giving high fives, or fist bumps. Not just for serving LEMA, but for giving up hours of their lives to plug it back into the mission work of the Lord.
LEMA is always looking for a willing heart who wants to serve God through local or global missions. If you find that this is something that the Lord has placed on your life please reach out to us. We would love to talk! You can click the button below to learn more and/or sign up for this mission.
Matthew 28 reminds us to "Go and make disciples". LEMA's mission is to do just that, to prepare and teach pastors and leaders to pursue the Great Commission daily. Sign up today! We would love to talk more about what God is doing in your life.